April 23-25, 2024 in Sacramento, CA
Hosted by the Dental Support Center at the California Rural Indian Health Board, Inc. (CRIHB) & California Area Indian Health Services (IHS)
This three-day in-person conference for dental and health professionals is designed to support continued education and enrichment.
Who is eligible to attend:
Registered Dental Hygienists
Registered Dental Assistants
Dental Assistants
Office and Billing Staff
What is offered:
21 sessions will be available with up to 20.5 continuing education units provided. Conference topics include:
Prescribing Schedule II Opioids
Infections Control/Dental Practice Act
Cultural Humility
Oral Surgery
Holiday Inn: Downtown Arena
300 J Street Sacramento, CA 95814
Room reservations must be made by 5:00PM PST on Friday, March 29, 2024.
After the cut-off date, rooms may still be available, but they will be subject to prevailing room rates.
***Please contact Devon Lilley at devon.lilley@atriumhospitality.com if making room reservations AFTER April 5, 2024.***
Lodging Rate: $145/night
Phone Reservations: 1-844-202-6658
Please fill out the form and make registration payment using the PayPal link below.
Conference attendance for non-IHS attendees is $200.
Please submit payment below using the PayPal link.
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For more information, please contact Jan Carver
at 916-718-6429 or cadsc@crihb.org.