We have reached full capacity for vendors. Thank you for your interest.
6 foot table with table tent sign
Two tickets to the lunch reception (additional lunch tickets $40 each)
Set-up time begins at 6:00 AM on 4/24/2024
Continental breakfast served from 7:30 AM-10:00 AM
Vender participation showcase
Registration will save your vendor table until Friday, 3/29/2024.
Payment is due 3/29/2024 at 5 pm.
Please include:
We accept payment by check. Make all checks payable to California Rural Indian Health Board, Inc.
Simply mail your check to
C/O: Sarah Ponnequin
1020 Sundown Way,
Roseville, CA 95661
Please include your name, email and organization with check.
Please click the button below to access an invoice for your company, if needed.
2024 Continuing Dental Education Conference
April 23-25, 2024
Hosted by the Dental Support Center at the California Rural Indian Health Board, Inc. & California Area Indian Health Service
Room reservations must be made by 5:00 PM PST on Monday, March 29, 2024.
After the cut-off date, rooms may still be available, but they will be subject to prevailing room rates.
***Please contact Devon Lilley at devon.lilley@atriumhospitality.com if making room reservations AFTER April 5, 2024. ***
300 J Street Sacramento, CA 95814
Lodging Rate: $145/night
Phone Reservations: 1-844-202-6658
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For more information, please contact Jan Carver
at 916-718-6429 or cadsc@crihb.org.